And my initial response is Why Not Russia? Why Not Now? Why Not More?
These are the top questions we've been getting. So here are the answers...
First up: Why Russia?
We've had 4 babies and don't feel like we have to have her as a baby for her to be our daughter. Most likely she'll be between 12-18 months when we bring her home. Another reason is after all the prayers we feel like international and this specific agency was the one to use...Russia happens to be one of her programs and Steve and I agreed upon it. I find the culture interesting and there are just as many children in Russia needing parents/families than Vietnam, China, Ethiopia or the US. Will there be attachment issues? Behavior issues? It was put very simply to me by another adoptive parent...'You prepare for the worst but hope for the best.' Bottom line is you just have to trust that God is bringing you to that particular child for a reason. He doesn't give us more than we can handle!
Next: Why now?
We don't want to wait 10 years and then have a daughter who is much younger. We want her to grow up with her brothers...will she be a tomboy...maybe a little...but that's perfectly fine if she learns to get dirty with the rest of them! Her big brothers will always be there to protect her. She'll learn to play baseball(or softball) with her brothers. She'll learn in right next to her brothers at the kitchen table. Everyone also needs to remember this is a LONG process. So yes while there are those reading this thinking our twins are only 6 months why on Earth would we adopt now...we want to make sure there is not too much of a gap between her and the twins. We sooooo want her growing up with them.
The other thing I want to mention is we are not doing it right this minute...the twins are only 6 months old as previously stated. We are saving in a separate account specifically for the adoption and any money for wipes/blankets is going directly into that account but we have to wait until the new year to find out what happens with the adoption credit. As of right now the higher credit was only thru 2012. So although this is a definite for us in the near future, we have to wait until early 2013 so we can plan accordingly.
Last: Why more?
I don't really know when children started being looked at as a burden in our society. I've been reading 'A Mom Just Like You' by Vickie and Jayme Farris. This is what they wrote:
"For now let me mention just one way in which children bless us that is often missed. The reason most people do not want a lot of children is that-let's face it-children are a lot of trouble and a lot of work! They cry, they fight, they mess us the house, they interrupt our sleep and our work, they often need help, patience, forgiveness, and love. In other words, they require us to grow up and shape up, to deny ourselves and to become more like Christ if we are to have any measure of success with them. And what a genuine blessing that is!"
I am NOT claiming to have it all figured out. I will be the first to admit that I get frustrated with 4 kids already when everyone wants something at precisely the same time and I'm only one person. But we provide for our kids, love our kids, have fun with our kids, teach our kids and discipline our kids all within a day(or hour!)...despite that 'beat' feeling that all of us parents get some days, I still believe we're 'equipped' to give love and raise another child. And maybe the most simple answer we don't feel our family is complete yet. God endorsed adoption so that's enough reason for me to go this route!
Thanks to those including us in their prayers! No clue if she's been born into this world yet or not but it can't hurt to pray for our little girl's safety. We truly do appreciate all prayers!! Until next time........
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